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浙江2022高考英语作文可能考什么 题目预测及范文




假设你是李华,你的意大利笔友Nicola 了解到中国的新冠肺炎疫情防控已经取得了积极的成效,于是特地给你发来了一封电子邮件。他在邮件中对目前意大利的新冠肺炎疫情形势表达了担忧,并向你征求防止病毒感染的建议。请你就此给他回一封邮件,内容包括:





Dear Nicola,

How's everything going? I’m sorry to hear that the novel coronavirus is hitting Italy. It is a horrible virus that has caused many deaths, so you must take it seriously. But please don’t be panic, if you do as the follows, you can protect yourself from the infection of the virus and protect your family and other people around as well.

Firstly, never go to the crowded places, but stay indoors as much as possible. When you go out, you must wear a surgical mask. Secondly, wash your hands often and correctly with soap and running water for at least 15 seconds before eating, using the toilet or returning home from the outside, and keep the shared places always having fresh air. Last but not least, exercise regularly while staying at home, for exercise helps you strengthen your immune system and stay away from any infection.

I do hope these suggestions can be helpful for you, and I believe with the efforts of the whole Italian people, you’re sure to win the battle of epidemic prevention and control.

Best wishes!

Li Hua


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